Welcome to the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
The Central Student Advisory Service at Paderborn University advises prospective and current students on all matters relating to their studies. We also see ourselves as a guide if your concerns should be clarified elsewhere.
Our counselling is free of charge, confidential and independent of all faculties and examination and administrative institutions. You have the option of remaining anonymous. We will not pass on your data. Information on our understanding of counselling and data protection can be found here.
General student counselling
We support pupils and prospective students in choosing a degree programme and deciding which one to study. We also advise students in all phases of their studies, especially at the start of their studies, but also in phases of reorientation. Through a close exchange with the faculties and other service facilities, students can be referred to the right contact point if necessary.
We are also available to schools and teachers as a competent contact for study and career guidance.
Psychosocial counselling
We support students with study-related and personal problems in order to overcome small and large crises during their studies, enable them to continue their studies and prevent them from dropping out. Problems, conflict situations, stressful life circumstances, blockages, fears and the like can be discussed in confidential counselling sessions.
Counselling on studying with a disability
We are actively committed to supporting prospective students and students with health impairments, chronic illnesses or disabilities on their way to and during their studies in such a way that equal and self-determined participation in higher education is possible.
Teachers are also advised and supported in designing barrier-free teaching.
Career orientation, doubts about studying and dropping out
We support students with career orientation and goal setting, especially if they have doubts about their studies due to a lack of practical experience or unclear career options. In addition, in cooperation with companies, the Chamber of Crafts, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Employment Agency, we point out opportunities for reorientation and reorientation or for dropping out of studies.
Contact us

Brief information & appointments at the secretary's office:
Monday to Thursday: 9 am - 4 pm
Friday: 9 am - 1 pm
Room: I4.322 (Building I, Floor 4, Room: 322, site plan)
Phone: 05251/60-2007
Mail: zsb@upb.de
Chat: Blue icon "speech bubble" on this page
Please note that we cannot consult on matters that have to do with the application or enrollment of international students. For that, please make an appointment with the International Office.