Gen­er­al stu­dent coun­selling

We support prospective students in choosing a degree programme and in making their study decision. We also advise students in all phases of their studies, especially in phases of reorientation. You can therefore contact us if you have any questions:

  • about study options, admission requirements, orientation options, the application and enrolment process

  • about ways to prepare for your studies

  • about changing subject area or university, if you have doubts about your studies or want to drop out

  • contact points and support options within and outside the university.

We also offer various services to help schools and teachers with study orientation.

We liaise closely with the faculties and university service facilities so that we can refer students to the right contacts inside and outside the university if necessary.


Con­sulta­tion hours & ap­point­ments

Counselling without appointment

Monday - Thursday: 1 - 3 pm


Counselling with appointment (in person, digitally or by phone)

Monday to Thursday: 3 - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 -
11 a.m.
Friday: 11
a.m. - 1 p.m.

Please make an appointment in advance via our secretary's office (phone: 05251/60-2007; email:

Please note that we cannot consult on matters that have to do with the application or enrollment of international students. For that, please make an appointment with the International Office

Ad­di­tion­al Of­fers

In addition to personal counselling, we also coordinate special offers and provide support when deciding on a course of study, at the start of your studies and throughout your studies.

NR­WTal­ente - Re­gion OWL

The student scholarship programme supports performance-oriented and socially committed students from predominantly non-academic families with advice, benefits in kind and a comprehensive educational programme.

Tal­ent scout­ing

The talent scouts at the universities in Ostwestfalen-Lippe advise and support talented, motivated and performance-orientated pupils at upper secondary level who are the first in their family to consider studying.

Study ori­ent­a­tion

Get your own impression of the campus and everyday university life. With our orientation programmes, you have numerous opportunities to try out studying, talk to students and lecturers, get a taste of courses and ask any questions you may have.

Study pro­gramme

In our range of degree programmes, we present our 71 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. For each degree programme, we provide information on admission requirements, course content, career prospects and contact points for further questions.

UPB on Tour

We are represented at regional and national trade fairs with our exhibition stand. Visit us at a trade fair near you and get in touch with us.

Ex­pect­a­tion checks

With our expectation checks, prospective students and those changing degree programmes have the option of checking for themselves whether their own expectations match those of our degree programmes.

Study start

We have compiled the most important information on preliminary courses, timetabling and support services to help you get off to the best possible start to your studies.

Fit for your stud­ies

Our blog "Fit for Studying" contains many interesting articles about studying at Paderborn University, such as study techniques, interviews with experts and contact points.

Study doubts & drop­ping out

Sometimes the degree programme or the course itself is not the right one after all. In this case, we are there to advise and support you.

For schools & teach­ers

We support schools and teachers in integrating study and career guidance into lessons and guiding pupils through the decision-making process. To this end, we offer a wide range of support services, both on campus and in schools.

Current events


Ein­führung in die di­gitale Bar­ri­ere­freiheit im Rah­men der Hoch­schulüber­gre­ifenden Fort­b­ildung (HüF)

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01.04.2025 - 03.04.2025

Fin­de dei­n­en Weg – Ei­ge­n­en Kom­pe­ten­zen & be­ruf­li­chen Zie­len auf der Spur

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Girls'Day und Boys'Day an der UPB

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03.04.2025 - 03.04.2025

Open Day at the Cen­ter for the His­tory of Wo­men Philo­soph­ers and Sci­ent­ists

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NRW-Tech­nikum 2025: In­fover­an­stal­tung für Schüler­innen mit (Fach-)Abit­ur

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07.04.2025 - 07.04.2025

On­line In­fover­an­stal­tung NR­WTal­ente

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09.04.2025 - 09.04.2025

On­line-Vor­trag: "Stud­ier­en an der Uni Pader­born"

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14.04.2025 - 18.04.2025

Früh­lings-Uni: MINT-Schnup­per­stu­di­um für Schüler­*innen der Mit­tel- & Ober­stufe

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16.04.2025 - 17.04.2025

Work­shop: Ei­gene Fähigkeiten und In­teressen ent­deck­en – Ideen für die Stud­i­en­wahl en­twick­eln

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28.04.2025 - 28.04.2025

Katzen ge­gen Uni-Stress

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29.04.2025 - 29.04.2025

Neu an der Uni

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29.04.2025 - 29.04.2025

On­line In­fover­an­stal­tung NR­WTal­ente

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06.05.2025 - 06.05.2025

Bun­te Uni - Neu­ro­di­vers stu­die­ren

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06.05.2025 - 06.05.2025

In­fover­an­stal­tung zum Nachteil­sausgleich

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NRW-Tech­nikum 2025: In­fover­an­stal­tung für Schüler­innen mit (Fach-)Abit­ur

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