Psychoso­cial coun­selling

Sometimes not everything runs smoothly during your studies and PhD. Issues in your private life can also put a strain on your studies. Many problems can be solved quite quickly. However, sometimes it can be necessary and helpful to get an "outside view" of your situation and seek professional advice from someone. We therefore offer you counselling and support for study-related and personal problems, e.g:

  • Motivation crises during your studies
  • Feeling overwhelmed, stress
  • Problems with learning, exam nerves, lack of concentration
  • Contact difficulties
  • Dissatisfaction with the social situation
  • Conflicts in the partnership, with parents, fellow students, teachers, etc.
  • Coping with illness
  • Making difficult decisions

You can also make use of the psychosocial counselling provided by the Central Student Advisory Service for seemingly minor problems. Because the sooner a problem is addressed, the easier it is to solve!

Additional offers

Emergency Help

If you need help in an acute case or outside of our availability, you will find contact details for medical and psychological emergency services, telephone counselling services etc. here.

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Internal counselling & contact points

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External counselling & contact points

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Study counselling

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Digital help offers

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Con­sulta­tion hours and ap­point­ments

We will work with you to find solutions in a confidential one-to-one meeting. There is also the option of conflict counselling in a multi-person setting. The counsellors speak English. Please contact one of our counsellors to arrange an appointment.

If you have an urgent need for counselling that cannot be postponed and you cannot reach us by phone because we are in talks, please contact the ZSB secretariat (Tel.: 05251 / 60 2007, Mail:

Current events


Hier find­est Du dem­nächst Ver­an­stal­tun­gen für das Win­tersemester 2024/25.

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For lec­tur­ers

As a lecturer at Paderborn University, you can refer students with study-related or personal problems to us or discuss their cases with our counsellors.

You can also train as a mental first aider as part of the "Mental First Aid" course. Taking part in the course will help you to approach people in mentally challenging situations more easily and to conduct crisis talks more appropriately. Further information will be provided here once the project has started.

Con­tact per­sons

business-card image

Jan-Martin Müller

Student Advice Centre

Psychosoziale Beratung, Lernberatung

Write email +49 5251 60-2811
business-card image

Cornelia Wagner

Student Advice Centre

Psychosocial counselling, dep. representative for disabled students

Write email +49 5251 60-5497