Gradu­ates with dis­ab­il­it­ies: Suc­cess des­pite bar­ri­ers

You've (almost) finished your studies! Now it's time to find a good job that suits you, that you are qualified for and that meets your financial expectations. For all graduates, starting a career is an exciting and sometimes challenging process. For graduates with a disability, it is sometimes even more difficult, even if job advertisements include the addition: "Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be given preference".

We will inform you here about career guidance services, advice centres, bridging options and special assistance.

Sup­port­ing in­sti­tu­tions

Ger­man As­so­ci­ation of the Blind and Visu­ally Im­paired (dvbs)

Offers for blind and visually impaired graduates of the German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired in Study and Work (DVBS)

Fed­er­al As­so­ci­ation of Hear­ing Im­paired Stu­dents and Gradu­ates (BHSA)

Offers for hearing impaired and deaf graduates of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hörbehinderter Studenten und Absolventen e.V. (BHSA) (Federal Association of Hearing Impaired Students and Graduates)

Ger­man Stu­dent Uni­on (DSW)

Services offered by the Information and Advice Centre for Studies and Disability of the German National Association for Student Affairs, DSW

Fur­ther of­fers

Self-test: Am I say­ing it?

The self-test helps people to find their own way between concealing and revealing a health impairment. Such decisions are often difficult and characterised by fear of stigmatisation, especially for people with invisible illnesses such as mental or chronic somatic illnesses.

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Job ex­change my­Ab­il­ity

myAbility is the first barrier-free career programme that supports students and academics with disabilities in their career planning. Companies in the programme specifically look for talented people with disabilities and offer networking via a talent programme in major cities such as Munich, Hamburg and Berlin.

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iXnet is the network of and for academics with disabilities. You can get advice on individual questions about finding a job, funding opportunities or starting a business, exchange ideas with others in forums or take part in the mentoring programme.

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Cent­ral In­ter­na­tion­al Place­ment Ser­vices and Sub­ject Areas of the Fed­er­al Em­ploy­ment Agency

The ZAV of the Federal Employment Agency advises severely disabled graduates individually on support options, application strategies and labour market opportunities. It finds suitable positions, acquires jobs via a nationwide network and develops employment opportunities through projects tailored to qualifications and interests.

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Un­sure who is the right con­tact for you? I will be happy to help you!

business-card image

Kathrin Weber

Advice for students with disabilities

Representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses

Write email +49 5251 60-5498