On­line for­um Psy­cho­lo­gic­ally Fit Study­ing

A programme by irrsinnig menschlich; hosted by Paderborn University, together with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and the Technische Universität Ostwestfalen-Lippe

This event is about the mental health of students during their studies.

Among other things, the following topics will be covered:

  • Recognising the warning signs of mental health crises
  • Questioning prejudices
  • Finding out what help is available and how you can help yourself and others
  • Getting to know the university's support services
  • To answer your questions

The event consists of 90 minutes of input and 30 minutes of sharing experiences.

Participation in the event can be anonymous and will not be recorded.

  • When?
  • Where?

Meeting ID :

Meeting password:

Näch­ster Ter­min

21. Mai 2025 um 18 Uhr (Zoom)

Der Termin für das Wintersemester steht ebenfalls fest: der 11. November 2025 um 18 Uhr (Zoom)


Registration is not mandatory for this event. However, in order to be able to contact you in the event of cancellation, it would be helpful if you could leave your contact details below. Your data will only be used for this purpose and will not be visible anywhere.

Con­tact de­tails

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Con­tact per­son

business-card image

Kathrin Weber

Student Advice Centre

Service Center Studying with Impairment

Write email +49 5251 60-5498