Job- und Kar­ri­ere­portal

Praktika, Jobs, Recruiting-Events und spannende Arbeitgerber*innen - alles auf einer Plattform!

Wir bieten in Kooperation mit JobTeaser eine Online-Stellenbörse an, in der aktuelle Stellenanzeigen für Praktika, Abschlussarbeiten, Direkteinstiege, Trainee- und  Ausbildungsstellen und mehr veröffentlicht werden. Die Stellenbörse ist für alle Studierenden und Alumni der Universität Paderborn verfügbar. Interessierte finden hier Jobangebote aus der Region, aber auch deutschland-, europa- und weltweit. Zudem stellen sich Unternehmen, Institutionen und Organisationen vor und informieren über ihre Arbeitsfelder, Einstellungsvoraussetzungen und Unternehmenskultur. Die Nutzung des Portals ist kostenfrei.

JobTeaser ist ein externer Anbieter. Mit der Registrierung für diese Plattform gehen Sie ein kostenloses Vertragsverhältnis mit dem Anbieter ein.

Sollten Sie ein anstößiges Angebot entdecken oder negative Erfahrungen mit einer der hier angebotenen Tätigkeiten machen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte unter mit.

Job- und Kar­ri­ere­portal

(Kopie 1)

Paderborn, Bielefeld, Stuttgart, London, Paris - Where to?


1. register via the following link:
2. register for free and enter relevant search criteria
3. search for suitable jobs, events and companies

The job and career portal accompanies you through all phases of your studies and beyond with job offers from the region, Germany, Europe and worldwide:

  • Internships, part-time jobs, working student jobs, dissertations, trainee positions, entry-level positions, training positions for students who have dropped out of university and much more

But the portal offers even more:

  • Announcements of job and career fairs or events
  • Information about events of the Career Service of the Paderborn University
  • Company profiles
  • Career tips (including CV design, job interviews, networking)
  • Weekly and/or daily newsletter informing about new suitable job offers or events
  • Possibility to apply directly online to job advertisements or register for events


  • JobTeaser is an external provider. By registering for this platform, you enter into a free contractual relationship with the provider.
  • Should you discover an offensive offer or have a negative experience with one of the activities offered here, please let us know at career-service(at)upb(dot)de.

(Kopie 2)

Do you belong to a company or organisation and would like to place your job advertisement(s) exclusively with students and graduates of Paderborn University?


Registration is free of charge.

  • Option A - Publish job advertisements: Recruiterlink
  • Option B - Publish job advertisements, create a company profile, post events: Request for the company link via .

Please note that we can only activate job offers that are aimed at all genders (m/f/d).

Use our job and career portal powered by JobTeaser, post jobs of various kinds and benefit from further advantages:

  • Internships (at home and abroad), part-time jobs, SHK/WHK positions as well as working student jobs, final theses, trainee positions, entry-level positions,
    training positions for drop-outs and much more.
  • Set keywords (tags) and have your job offers and events easily filtered/found by students.
  • Daily/weekly newsletters inform your target group regularly about your latest offers.
  • Present your company on your own profile page and post career events, fairs, coachings, etc.
  • Use of the portal is free of charge.


  • JobTeaser is an external provider. By registering for this platform, you enter into a free contractual relationship with the provider.
  • Please refrain from sending us job advertisements separately by e-mail.

You want to present your com­pany?

Present your company in its own field! Take advantage of the opportunity to place your own events in addition to job advertisements.

If you are interested, please contact us at - we will send you the company link!


business-card image

Annika Ballhausen

Student Advice Centre

Berufliche Orientierung, Studienzweifel und Studienausstieg

Write email +49 5251 60-2698