Fur­ther con­tact and ad­vice centres

In addition to psychosocial counselling, Paderborn University offers a number of other contact and counselling centres for study-related and personal problems. There are also other centres outside the university and digital support services that you can make use of.

With­in the uni­ver­sity

  • The Writing Competence Centre provides support with academic writing and work; help with procrastination is also offered by ProLearning
  • The Family Service Office is a counselling and mediation centre that helps students reconcile their studies/career and family life
  • The Equal Opportunities Officers (centralised and decentralised) provide advice on all equality-related topics. They support students by promoting and protecting equal opportunities, against bullying, stalking and discrimination at the university, at events/exams or student jobs
  • At my beneFIT@upb.de you will find many offers on health and well-being
  • The AStA Social Office is the student contact point for social issues, such as information on social loans, the "Housing for Help" project, reimbursement of the semester ticket amount; the AStA also offers legal advice for all student issues
  • The Lilith Women's Counselling Centre provides advice on campus and supports women who are currently experiencing or have experienced psychological, physical or sexualised violence in the past. It is also a point of contact in cases of sexual abuse against children
  • As part of LehramtsNavi, student teachers are offered short workshops on dealing with stress or self-organisation

Out­side the uni­ver­sity

  • U25] Paderborn helps with suicidal thoughts and crises with an anonymous mail counselling service
  • Theaddiction counsellingof the Caritasverband Paderborn e.V. offers information and counselling in the field of legal and illegal addictive substances as well as non-substance-related addictions such as gambling addiction, regardless of whether you currently want to change your consumption behaviour.
  • TheSocial Psychiatric Serviceoffers counselling and support to mentally ill, addicted and mentally disabled people as well as their relatives and other affected persons
  • Belladonnathe women's counselling centre against sexual and domestic violence offers help, advice and support in cases of acute or past violence
  • Pregnancy conflict counselling, non-denominational and non-partisan, is offered by pro familia, as well as information on social law issues during pregnancy and after birth and sexual counselling

Di­git­al of­fers of help

Additionally analogue:

  • Germany-wide information hotline for depression 0800/33 44 5 33
  • Telephone counselling 0800/111 0 111 or 0800/111 0 222