Every be­gin­ning is dif­fi­cult? Not at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity!

You have passed your A-levels or finished your training, now you want to study - but what? Paderborn University scores points with its wide range of subjects in five different faculties and its comprehensive teacher training programme, the short distances on campus and its strong integration into the region. You can find a suitable degree programme here, even if you have a wide range of interests.

It is particularly important for students with disabilities to get as comprehensive a picture as possible of their future place of study, its structural framework and support options before enrolment.

Here you will find our offers to encourage you in your choice of Paderborn.

Kirschblüten Universität Paderborn

Bar­ri­er-free cam­pus

The Paderborn University campus offers you a wide range of support services that make everyday life at university easier for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Discover for yourself how accessible studying can be - we look forward to your visit!

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Ex­per­i­ence com­munity

Our university is for everyone! Inclusion is practised here and care is taken to ensure that everyone feels welcome. A barrier-free environment enables you to study without obstacles.

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Ad­apt study con­di­tions

With the right adjustments to examination or study conditions, nothing stands in the way of successful study despite a disability! We have summarised all the important information on compensation for disadvantages for you here.

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Our ad­vice

We are on hand to answer your questions - be it about financial assistance, technical support or other topics. We listen and work together to find solutions that are tailored to your needs.

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Find out now and get star­ted!

Do you have any questions or would you like to find out more? We are at your disposal - by e-mail, telephone or in person. Together we will realise your path to university!